Hi, I’M Rebecca

Optimistic. Engaging. Bold.

Oh, and a total badass.

Trust me, I have been there!

I've conquered a lot! As a chronic illness warrior, a 9-year sobriety champion, a resilient divorcee, and a highly effective corporate leader, I've faced triumphs and setbacks throughout my 20+ years of experience. But now, I've chosen to embrace my true calling: empowering others to live their best lives NOW, no matter the challenges they face.

With my unique blend of personal, professional, and medical experiences, I bring a fresh perspective to coaching. I'm here for the curious, passionate individuals who refuse to wait for the storm to pass – we want to dance in the rain!

Together, we'll uncover your unique design for living, paving the way to a life overflowing with authenticity, self-confidence, and fulfillment. No victim mentality here – we shape our own circumstances, and I'll guide you to play all out and unlock your true happiness and success.

Unapologetically optimistic, passionate, and expressive, I embody my #nocolonstillrollin mantra and live life out loud. Join me on this extraordinary journey, and let's create a life that radiates unyielding positivity, courage, and limitless possibilities.

Trust me, I’ve been there…

  • By 16 years old

    I had already experienced numerous moves, including a memorable stint in Spain during the Gulf War. Additionally, I was diagnosed with a chronic autoimmune disease, which lacked both a known cause and cure. Despite these challenges, I excelled academically, maintained an active social life, and pursued my passion for ballet.

  • At 21

    I graduated magna cum laude from Vanderbilt University with a degree in Human and Organizational Development. I faced ongoing medical issues throughout college but embraced the vibrant Nashville scene and even studied abroad in Florence, Italy.

  • Upon Graduation

    I returned to New York City, determined to find my dream job. However, the devastating events of September 11th significantly impacted the job market. Undeterred, I persevered, going on… 47(!!) interviews before I landed a role as the Marketing Coordinator at Harper's BAZAAR Magazine.

  • at the ripe age of 25

    I had achieved the position of marketing manager for luxury goods and retail/fashion at VOGUE Magazine. While battling colitis, I also completed full and half marathons and enjoyed the exciting lifestyle reminiscent of "Sex and the City."

  • hello 30

    I received the prestigious Conde Nast "Marketer of the Year Award" and made a significant impact in the industry. I experienced personal milestones such as marriage and further career advancements, including a role as Sales Marketing Director at a lifestyle startup. Simultaneously, I faced health challenges and ran the Marine Corp Marathon without training.

  • by 35

    I underwent surgery, experienced a divorce, got sober, and transitioned careers. I returned to Conde Nast as a Senior Director at Glamour Magazine before venturing into business development consulting at eBay, where I successfully launched a new revenue stream. By this point, I knew I felt “stuck” and “lost” but I had NO idea what to do instead and the stakes felt way too high. I started hiring coaches of all kinds with little luck.

  • clinging to life at 38

    I faced multiple life-threatening surgeries, including an emergency surgery to remove of my entire colon. Despite these challenges, I continued to achieve personal and professional milestones, froze my eggs, and embraced the mantra of #nocolonstillrollin.

  • forty and floating

    Since surviving and thriving as a #nocolonstillrollin warrior, I embarked on executive sales leadership roles in ad tech and digital media, navigating travel and maintaining a rigorous chronic illness medical protocol. Along the way, I had a transformative experience floating in the Dead Sea, leading me to get my first tattoo.

  • this is 44

    During these unprecedented times, having had COVID-19 despite abiding to the utmost precautionary measures, I was reminded of the lessons I have learned in facing fear and making a new plan when life gets lifey.

    Taking decisive action, I have chosen to step away from Corporate America after 20+ years and utilize my life experiences to help others unleash their inner badass warriors and live their best lives.

    Life may throw curveballs, but I'm here to guide you through the challenges, transitions, and triumphs. Together, we'll embrace the now and create a life that is unapologetically extraordinary.

what qualifies me

There are a lot of people out there doing what they call “coaching.”

I am a proud graduate of the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), one of the world’s foremost coaching schools accredited by the International Coaching Federation of Professional Coaches.

I am a Certified Professional Coach (CPC), an Energy Leadership Master Practitioner (ELI-MP), COR.E Dynamics Leadership Specialist (CDLS) & Career Transition Coach (CCTC).

I am a member of International Coaching Federation Professional Coaches, the leading global organization dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards. As an ICF Member, I have completed 160+ hours of training aligned with ICF standards, and I commit to abiding by the ICF Code of Ethics.


  • “Every week, I feel re-energized and am working through my blocks. This coaching has been transformational for me, and I feel so supported.

    — Amber J, Pittsburgh PA

    Journalist, Marketer and Social Media Strategist

  • “We accomplish a lot in 55 minutes. It's crazy how quickly Rebecca identifies my needs, goals, etc. and has a solution to work through it.”

    — Brittany B, New York, NY

    Senior Integrated Producer and Founder

  • After every session I've walked away feeling like I've had a real breakthrough. It's been very powerful.”

    — Heather D, Seattle, WA

    Executive Vice-President, Media Link

  • “Rebecca Babcock Coaching has helped me dig deep into my "WHY" and remove all the blocks.”

    — Jamie J, New York, NY

    Marketing Executive, Private Aviation